@InProceedings { zahedi06lrec,
author= {Zahedi, Morteza and Dreuw, Philippe and Rybach, David and Deselaers, Thomas and Bungeroth, Jan and Ney, Hermann},
title= {Continuous Sign Language Recognition - Approaches from Speech Recognition and Available Data Resources},
booktitle= {LREC Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Lexicographic Matters and Didactic Scenarios},
year= 2006,
pages= {21-24},
address= {Genoa, Italy},
month= may,
booktitlelink= {http://www.lrec-conf.org/lrec2006/},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=78&row=pdf}