4.2. Image Compression -- JPEG

Overview of JPEG
Major Steps
A Glance at the JPEG Bitstream
Four JPEG Modes
JPEG 2000

Reference: W.B. Pennebaker, J.L. Mitchell, "The JPEG Still Image Data Compression Standard", Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1993.


4.2.1. Overview of JPEG

What is JPEG?


JPEG overview


4.2.2. Major Steps

1. Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT)

2. Quantization

Uniform Quantization

Non-uniform Quantization -- Quantization Tables

3. Zig-zag Scan

4. Differential Pulse Code Modulation (DPCM) on DC component

5. Run Length Encode (RLE) on AC components

6. Entropy Coding


4.2.3. A Glance at the JPEG Bitstream


4.2.4. Four JPEG Modes

1. Sequential Mode

2. Lossless Mode

Comparison with Other Lossless Compression Programs (compression ratio):

     Compression Program              Compression Ratio        
                               Lena  football    F-18   flowers 
        lossless JPEG           1.45     1.54     2.29     1.26   
    optimal lossless JPEG       1.49     1.67     2.71     1.33   
       compress (LZW)           0.86     1.24     2.21     0.87   
      gzip (Lempel-Ziv)         1.08     1.36     3.10     1.05   
gzip -9 (optimal Lempel-Ziv)    1.08     1.36     3.13     1.05   
       pack (Huffman coding)      1.02     1.12     1.19     1.00     

3. Progressive Mode

4. Hierarchical Mode

A Three-level Hierarchical JPEG Encoder

(From V. Bhaskaran and K. Konstantinides, "Image and Video Compression Standards: Algorithms and Architectures", 2nd ed., Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997.)


4.2.5. JPEG 2000

Further Exploration

Try the Interactive JPEG examples and the JPEG examples.

Information about JPEG 2000.

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