GIZA++: Training of statistical translation models.

GIZA++ is an extension of the program GIZA (part of the SMT toolkit EGYPT) which was developed by the Statistical Machine Translation team during the summer workshop in 1999 at the Center for Language and Speech Processing at Johns-Hopkins University (CLSP/JHU). GIZA++ includes a lot of additional features. The extensions of GIZA++ were designed and written by Franz Josef Och.

About GIZA++

The program includes the following extensions to GIZA:

In order to compile GIZA++ you may need:

It is known to compile on Linux, Irix and SUNOS systems. A lot of older compiler version do not fully support all features of STL that are used by GIZA++. Therefore, frequently occur compiler, assembler or linker problems which are mostly due to the intensive use of STL within the program. If any compilation problem occurs, please first try to get the newest compiler version. Patches to the code are most welcome. Feel free to send me mail asking for help, but please do not necessarily expect me to have time to help.

It is released under the GNU Public License (GPL).


You are welcome to use the code under the terms of the licence for research or commercial purposes, however please acknowledge its use with a citation:

  • Franz Josef Och, Hermann Ney. "Improved Statistical Alignment Models". Proc. of the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, pp. 440-447, Hongkong, China, October 2000.
  • Here is a BiBTeX entry:

    AUTHOR = {F.~J.~Och and H.~Ney},
    TITLE ={Improved Statistical Alignment Models},
    PAGES ={440--447},
    ADDRESS={ Hongkong, China},
    MONTH = {October},
    YEAR = 2000}

    Source code:



    This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. No. IIS-9820687 through the 1999 Workshop on Language Engineering, Center for Language and Speech Processing, Johns Hopkins University.
    Last updated: 30 January 2001,