cs Tutorial Medical Image Retrieval

Tutorial Medical Image Retrieval

MedInf Europe 2005/2006

Slides of the Tutorial

  1. Introduction
  2. Content-Based Image Retrieval
  3. Image Processing And Preprocessing
  4. Visual Features
  5. Medical Applications
  6. System Aspects
  7. User Interaction
  8. Evaluation Of Systems
  9. Example: IRMA
  10. Example: MedGIFT
  11. Summary And Conclusion

Former Tutorials



The casimage database is provided by the Radiology Department of the Geneva University Hospital, Switzerland. It was used in ImageCLEF 2004 and 2005 for evaluating content-based image retrieval systems. More information on the database can be found on the casimage website.


The IRMA database consists of about 15,000 classified radiographs which have been arbitrarily taken from routine at the Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Aachen University of Technology (RWTH), Aachen, Germany. The images represent different body regions, ages, genders, view positions, and pathologies. Therefore, image quality varies significantly. Here a subset of 10,000 images were downscaled to fit a 64x64 bounding box maintaining the orignial aspect ratio. Each image is member of one of 57 classes. These data were used in the 2005 ImageCLEF Evaluation, where 9,000 images were used as training data and the remaining 1,000 images had to be classified. The classification of these was unknown until after the evaluation was finished. The database is available in higher resolution and with a more detailed classification using a mono-hierarchical multi-axial code from the website of the IRMA project. Medical terms characterizing the different codes are available in German and English language. The data has been used in several investigations, if you decide to use them related to some scientific publication please make sure to cite on of the recent works of the IRMA project. Acknowledgement: This data is courtesy of the IRMA group.

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