@InProceedings { bahar2020:iwslt:evaluation,
author= {Bahar, Parnia and Wilken, Patrick and Alkhouli, Tamer and Guta, Andreas and Golik, Pavel and Matusov, Evgeny and Herold, Christian},
title= {Start-Before-End and End-to-End: Neural Speech Translation by AppTek and RWTH Aachen University},
booktitle= {The 17th International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation},
year= 2020,
pages= {44-54},
address= {Seattle, WA, United States},
month= jul,
booktitlelink= {http://iwslt.org/doku.php},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=1139&row=pdf}