2005 |
@InProceedings { popovic05:phrlex,
author= {Popovi\\'{c}, Maja and Ney, Hermann},
title= { Exploiting Phrasal Lexica and Additional Morpho-syntactic Language Resources for Statistical Machine Translation with Scarce Training Data},
booktitle= {Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation},
year= 2005,
pages= {212-218},
address= {Budapest, Hungary},
month= may,
booktitlelink= {http://www.eamt.org/eamt2005/},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=402&row=pdf}
}title= { Exploiting Phrasal Lexica and Additional Morpho-syntactic Language Resources for Statistical Machine Translation with Scarce Training Data},
booktitle= {Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation},
year= 2005,
pages= {212-218},
address= {Budapest, Hungary},
month= may,
booktitlelink= {http://www.eamt.org/eamt2005/},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=402&row=pdf}