@InProceedings { forster10:bpfsl,
author= {Forster, Jens and Stein, Daniel and Ormel, Ellen and Crasborn, Onno and Ney, Hermann},
title= {Best Practice for Sign Language Data Collections Regarding the Needs of Data-Driven Recognition and Translation},
booktitle= {4th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Corpora and Sign Language Technologies },
year= 2010,
pages= {92-97},
address= {Valletta, Malta},
month= may,
booktitlelink= {http://www.sign-lang.uni-hamburg.de/lrec2010/},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=655&row=pdf}