2011 |
@InProceedings { lamel11:iwslt,
author= {Lamel, Lori and Courcinous, Sandrine and Despres, Julien and Gauvain, Jean-Luc and Josse, Yvan and Kilgour, Kevin and Kraft, Florian and Le, Viet Bac and Ney, Hermann and Nu{\\ss}baum-Thom, Markus and Oparin, Ilya and Schlippe, Tim and Schl{\\"u}ter, Ralf and Schultz, Tanja and Fraga da Silva, Thiago and St{\\"u}ker, Sebastian and Sundermeyer, Martin and Vieru, Bianca and Vu, Ngoc Thang and Waibel, Alex and Woehrling, Cècile},
title= {Speech Recognition for Machine Translation in Quaero },
booktitle= {International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation},
year= 2011,
pages= {121-128},
address= {San Francisco, CA, USA},
month= dec,
booktitlelink= {http://iwslt2011.org/},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=803&row=pdf}
}title= {Speech Recognition for Machine Translation in Quaero },
booktitle= {International Workshop on Spoken Language Translation},
year= 2011,
pages= {121-128},
address= {San Francisco, CA, USA},
month= dec,
booktitlelink= {http://iwslt2011.org/},
pdf = {https://www-i6.informatik.rwth-aachen.de/publications/downloader.php?id=803&row=pdf}